Earebel - keeps your head warm and ears happy! Mützen und Stirnbänder mit integrierten Kopfhörern...nichts drückt, stört oder verrutscht. Feel the music!
In town, out in nature or for sport – Earebel makes your activity something special. First-class sound quality is provided by wireless Bluetooth®-Headphones of Earebel. The headphonesare produced semi-open and integrated in the beanie without any annoying frames.Our patent-registered system – the combination of a warm beanie and headphones to one unit – is more than „just“ an new way of being able to listen to music. It might be the only sound way to feel the music during all the activities for which we long for a warm beanie.Needless to say that answering telephone calls and trackskipping in playlists is also easily possible.