Wer Sport liebt, ist bei sportaholix richtig! In dem innovativen Freizeit- und Jobnetzwerk treffen sich junge und junggebliebene Sportbegeisterte, trendorientierte Hobbysportler, fitnessaffine Firmen, angehende und ausgebildete Sportfachkräfte sowie Akteure der Fitness- und Sportbranche.
sportaholix vereint alle Sportwünsche unter einem digitalen Dach – und zwar in vier Bereichen: In der Community und dem Blog dreht sich alles um Trends und Challenges, während der Marktplatz der zentrale Punkt für erstklassige Geräte oder auch gehypte Outfits ist. Im Bookingbereich finden u. a. Auftraggeber Freelancer, Unternehmen Bewerber, Firmen Trainer, Instructor Kursräume und Reiseveranstalter Extremsportler – Buchungs- und Abrechnungstools inklusive. Mit sportaholix bleibt mehr Zeit für wirklich Wichtiges: Sport eben!
sportaholix is a platform that offers news and services to sports and fitness -enthusiasts, - professionals and -companies.
As a web based multichannel-platform, sportaholix acts as an intermediary, or lets say as a touchpoint, between the different parties and serves the interests of business customers as well as end users. The goal is to create a network that allows companies and freelancers of the fitness industry to bring their internal structures to a good level and to remain competitive. With sportaholix, new business relationships can be established and new customers can be won.
sportaholix is devided into 4 categories: jobs, booking, market & community.
In booking and market, professionals and companies offer their services, premises and physical products. Therewhile jobs, as a classical job portal with an algorithm of matching and ranking functions, enables specific job or applicant proposals. Theses categories merge into a community, which adresses all sports and fitness enthusiasts. challenges, in which participants battle each other in fitness workouts, complete the gamification and flirting factor in addition to classical posts, shares and comments.